Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Craft of the Day - Scrapboxing

My mom recently gave me a bag of my old baby stuff. First shoes, first dress, hospital bracelets, etc...
I wanted to do something with it other than just put it in a box in the closet. So I decided to get a shadow box frame and display it.
I think I'll do one for Penelope's stuff too, and then hang them up.

I didn't even secure it with anything. No glue, no pins. The stuff filled up the space enough that it held itself in place within the frame. I got the frame at Target for cheap (maybe $7 I think). It is 12x12. It has a black background, but the stuff took up so much room, you cant even really see what is behind it, so i just left the back. I thought I'd put some cute scrapbook paper for the background, but you wouldn't be able to see it with all the stuff I crammed in there. If you do use scrapbook paper, you wouldn't even have to cut it to size since the frame is 12x12.

Easy easy project! My favorite kind!

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