Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thoughts on Parenthood

When I think about the inevitability of very soon becoming a mom, I am quite excited, but mostly terrified. I want my kid to be the smartest, the fastest, the cutest, the coolest, and the overall best kid ever. Then the other side of me just wants this kid to survive.

I worry about being a good mom. But the more i learn and get "prepared" the better i feel. But I always feel better about myself and my current life situation after watching an episode of the wonderful MTV series, "16 & Pregnant." This has been my show of choice to watch to learn all about having babies! Forget those sappy baby shows on TLC. The "16 & Pregnant" moms are much more entertaining.
At least I have already graduated high school and been to the prom.
At least my "baby's daddy" has a job, which as a bonus pays more than minimum wage. At least I'm not bringing my baby into a world of domestic violence.
At least I have a driver's license and own a car.

Although I do share some similarities with these young moms: I got pregnant and then moved into my mom's house with my baby's daddy, my cat, and my dog. And we are saving up to get our own place. Meanwhile I'm living in my old bedroom, and spoiled because my mom makes dinner every night. So maybe we aren't that different!

This pic is from one of my favorite parenting moments from the show, when teen mom, Kayla, decides that she wants her newborn baby to share her love for horses...so she put her baby on a horse! While watching this episode, i said out loud, "where are the responsible adults to stop her from doing this?!" This baby cant even support his own head, and your are mounting up?! AHH! So at least my baby is better off than that. Maybe my little girl will be alright after all.


  1. Seriously as I am reading this, I am watching last nights 16 and pregnant! =) Thought that was funny. Anyway you guys are going to be awesome parents. I know it! Just focus on the survival part for the first while. =) Cant wait to meet my little neice!!

  2. Should I be hiding my pics of one month old Daphne atop a horse? Judge away, Jessica, but don't come crying to me when your daughter sucks at horse riding.

  3. Hahaha! I guess I need to watch that show so I can feel better about myself. Today, I put Lucy's curlered hair in a small pony tail for her dance class photo shoot. I thought I was great until everyone else showed up with ten cans of hairspray and a makeup bag from the 8o's. I guess I still have a lot to learn.
